This mornings download to the brain. No blog to accompany her. I was brainstorming another collage and She just manifested herself. Often times I have to get out of my own way and allow the images to come thru. I’d never heard of a #FireRainbow before She came along. Have you heard of or seen one?
She came to me so quickly, literally eclipsing another body of work I was completely ensconced in, I, of course, call her SheClipse.
There is more to her though. Whether she is a manifestation of my own spirit that lately feels a bit like a Phoenix rising from the ashes or a reflection of what I see happening in consciousness as a whole, I am not sure. Whatever she is, she is optimistic with her lotus flower and entourage of butterflies. She is a transformation. She is rebirth. She is light.






As the coal crystalizes under pressureThe lotus flower blooms from the depthsThe Pheonix rises from the ashesThe butterfly emerges from its cocoonsuch is life; a series of rebirthsshedding lessons learnedas our soul evolves This collage is made up of words from a...

The Day I Became a Mermaid

The Day I Became a Mermaid

Little girls often fantasize about being mermaids. I loved to swim when I was a kid, so naturally, I lived in the water as much as possible, pretending to be a mermaid, a dolphin. Water is like air to me, dreamy like heaven. Free. I left day-dreams of Mermaid-ing...



#Mandelbrot coined it the “thumbprint of God” this delicate infinite tapestry of life force. Almost instantly I wanted to become one with it. Then I realized I AM. And so are You..... I can see the circus of life, be in the circus, bestill the circus. I close my eyes,...



🌠From a dying star, she straightened her lotus flower crown, 🌺👑🌺 laughed triumphantly at the black hole, and blasted into the universe, remembering who she is, a badass 🌟✨💫supernova💫✨🌟 . ...for a star to be born there is one thing that must happen, a gaseous nebula...

Red Moon

Red Moon

Cycling with the full moon is called the Red Moon cycle, and it’s the cycle of the archetypal Wise Woman: the healer, the magic-maker, the wisdom keeper. Historically, cycling with the full moon indicated energy that was considered suspect in the culture. The...

Don’t Look Back, She Said

Don’t Look Back, She Said

Do you believe in true love? I do. And I truly wanted to believe that I had found it; he was mine, I was his, we were meant for one another. I gave it my very all, every essence of my being. Blood. Sweat. Tears. What I came to realize was that my BEing was evolving,...

My Best Friend, Anger

My Best Friend, Anger

There was a time when I felt like I was damaged goods. I thought my mind was broken beyond repair. No professionals ever told me I was broken. I hadn't been diagnosed with any particular mental illness or handicap. But I thought, maybe they were just protecting me...

I’ll Take a Frontal Lobotomy, Please

I’ll Take a Frontal Lobotomy, Please

I would sit there in the therapists' office, day after day, telling her I just wanted to be normal. I simply knew I didn't feel or think or even talk, like most people. I was kind of odd. I would easily cry in random conversations. The slightest things could trigger a...