NeuroArt and Neurographica® Terminology

The Butterfly Effect is the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.

Gestalt is an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.

Interoception helps you understand and feel what’s going on inside your body. For instance, you know if your heart is beating fast or if you need to breathe more deeply. You’re able to tell if you need to use the bathroom. You know if you’re hungry, full, hot, cold, thirsty, nauseated, itchy, tense, or fidgety.

Introspection is the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Jung’s Theory believed that the human psyche was composed of three components:
The ego. The personal unconscious. The collective unconscious.

Neuroart Mindfulness drawing that does and does not use the Neurographica® method. 

Neuroscience is any or all of the sciences, such as neurochemistry and experimental psychology, which deal with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.

Phenomenology is a way of thinking about ourselves. Instead of asking about what we really are, it focuses on phenomena. These are experiences that we get from the senses – what we see, taste, smell, touch, hear and feel.

Psychedelic integration refers to taking the gained insights, emotions, or attitudes from your experience, and processing them into desired areas of your life. Integration as a general definition means “bringing parts together to make a whole.” Psychedelic integration helps to achieve a sense of “wholeness” clients seek through their set intentions for treatment.


What is NeuroGraphic Art?

NeuroGraphic Art is a method that enables a person to change their own perception of themselves and their environment by using graphic techniques.

NeuroGraphic Art is Neuroscience, Psychology, Philosophy, Physiology, Art

NeuroGraphicArt is non-invasive Brain Surgery


Neurographica® Terminology

Neurographica®  a method that enables a person to change their own perception of themselves and their environment by using graphic techniques. The theory is built on scientific principles using the knowledge of visual thinking in combination with laws and patterns identified by various schools of psychology. Developed by Pavel Piskarev 2014. It is equally effective in both the individual and in teamwork.

10 Principles of Neurographica
1) Shape integrates thought.
2) States coalesce into meanings.
3) Problem is born of the thinking mind.
4) Solutions have a bionic quality.
5) Harmony leads to satisfaction.
6) The universe is at the tip of the marker.
7) Every question has a graphic solution.
8) The drawing canvas has no bounds.
9) The world is made of shapes and lines.
10) Drawing is easy.

Philosophy regarding Neurographica® Drawings
“There are no mistakes”, “cannot ruin Neurographic drawings” “only work on one topic in a day”

Neurographica® Pattern
is a connection of joined lines, that is created by rounding the intersections of the lines. The pattern enables the parts to be woven into a whole, thus integrating the meanings and harmonizing the space of the composition. 

Neurographica® line (Neuroline)
Is a line that does not repeat itself in any part of its movement. We lead it to where we do not expect it to go (unexpected direction). It is desirable to go to the edge of the paper and be organic. It represents processes, connections, thoughts, and communication.

The Pyramid of Consciousness by Pavel Piskarev illustrates the structure of the deep consciousness of a man. All the levels of consciousness consist of actual consciousness, operational consciousness, levels of individual subconsciousness and unconsciousness, the collective unconscious

represents harmony, safety, support, “God”, resource, balance, wholeness, the absolute, completeness, the sun, mother’s breast, mother’s womb.

represents the energy of conflict, aggression, action, and leadership.

represents stability, traditions, foundation, house, bricks.

represent challenge, conflict, and aggression. It has spiky, sharp energy (teeth, claws, thorns, knives).

Rounding / Conjoining
smoothing the corners to facilitate movement along the line; transforming negative energy to positive harmony, transforming anger to love; “smooths everything out”. Rounding freeing energy from conflicts, that could be used for creative solutions.

the physical, emotional, or mental reaction that sabotages the process. It’s caused by the refusal to accept or comply with changes. Nobody wants to change especially our Ego. You may help yourself with breathing techniques, drinking water, and keep rounding.

Field Lines
represent our connection and alignment to the God-Oneness-Universe; powerful energy lines and the process that is going on. Field lines initiate Synchronicity of all processes. You just think/want something and it starts to happen.

Quantity of Lines
indicates the quality of the process – the more lines, the more effective the process; should not be able to readily see the initial catharsis. They can vary in thickness as long as they are smooth i.e. no jagged edges.

connect and unite several segments, several small elements with a bigger meaning. Color represents emotions, Archetypes.

Points of Attention
(what am I seeing? patterns, symbols, shape?)
Mind (
what am I thinking?)
Body (what sensations am I experiencing in my body?) and
Feelings (how am I feeling?)

Meditation is the act or practice of engaging in contemplation or reflection or in a mental exercise for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.

a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.



Expansion of Basic Algorithm Template

1 Topic
what you want to work on; a topic that is important to you; something major that you want to transform; emotionally charged. You can start with a broad topic and then in the next topic, go deeper to a narrower topic; alternatively narrow it to a broad topic.

Word Activation (not part of the Neurographica® model)
Write quickly whatever words that come to mind (duration: 2 minutes) If less than 20 words, maybe trying to control the topic too much or topic is too painful or not as engaged as there may be some other topic that is more emotionally charged.

2 Composition varies depending on the Algorithm.

3. Conjoing/Rounding smoothing and softening the harsh intersections where the lines cross to facilitate movement along the line.

4. Integration means incorporating our composition or catharsis with new shapes/ideas/pieces; by dissolving ourselves in our surroundings, we dissolve our Ego and accept resources and help from our community.

4.1 Figure and Background/Field add neurolines so that the drawing is balanced and you don’t see the catharsis clearly; add more lines so that you feel connected to everything on your drawing. Make sure you have adequate lines at are bottom of the drawing to create support.

4.2 Coloring is part of the integration process. It is an opportunity to step back and see the bigger picture. Choose colors intuitively (if unable to select, close your eyes and pick 3 and blend colors); colors represent emotions.

The ideal is to create a flow from one edge to another; color at least 2 segments that are next to each other (ideally 3 or 4 or more); the brain is finding solutions.

Use watercolor or markers and/ or colored pencils (not oil because markers won’t draw on them).

Can use white as a color (“adds lightness, airiness”); acceptable to use dark colors if that is how you’re feeling; avoid creating borders between segments; can use black or gray for shading.

You don’t necessarily need to stay within the lines.

5. Field Lines are energy lines, universe lines. Field lines are wider darker lines (“need to see them right away”) – bring energy and support; you may gently build up field lines or use a thicker marker. Can flow in any direction you want (stronger response if tend to go in one direction); associations with certain diagonals i.e. direction bottom left corner to top right is traditionally recognized as growing diagonal; top left to bottom right, decreasing diagonal. Try to have field lines move through the catharsis.

Usually, 3-5 is enough. May require more if larger-sized drawing.

They can go over existing neurolines or partially over existing lines and create new lines or create new lines.

6. Fixation It represents an anchor for your mind to remember/highlight the insights, the new ideas, and the new feelings you discovered in the process that is important. It will help your mind to get into that state again by looking at it.

Look for any shapes that stand out; fixation has meaning inside your mind; make lines bolder for this shape; can work on drawing months/years after the initial drawing i.e. process can go on.

 Topic 2.0             How did your understanding of your subject change since you began your drawing? How do you view your topic now? Did you find something new about it? Did you find any solutions? You can widen or narrow the original topic i.e. start narrow and go wide/broad or vice versa. You can go back to the drawing at any time and add more lines, colors, and shapes.


Neurographica® is a trademark by Pavel Piskarav, developed in 2014 out of Russia, now being taught in English. Neurographica® has many trademarks. As a Certified Neurographica Specialist, I am authorized to incorporate these trademarked algorithms and principles into my NeuroScience Life Coaching Modalities.