Symbolism can be a driving force in how you decorate your space. If you believe in the power of imagery and feel strongly that colors, textures, and lighting all radiate energy, evoke thought, trigger memories, and impact your thought processes, then you can make your home a very empowering space indeed.

I take the items in my home very seriously. My love affair with Lotus Flowers is only matched by my love of Elephants. They have deep family connections, amazing memories, reverence for life, and they even mourn lost kin. I’m always in awe when I witness their beautiful connections. Elephants are found all throughout my home, and I recommend them as symbols of family, history, heritage, tradition, and connection. They are wholesome, grounding, and ancient like spirits who roam our ever-changing planet. When I see them around my house I am grounded, humbled, and reconnected with my intention to love my family and history and to find joy in my journey.

My other connection with elephants is of course, Ganesha. One of my first introductions, and I’m sure a first for many into the beautiful symbolism of Hinduism, Ganesha represents Prosperity, Luck, Health, and Joy.  As I have come to know Ganesha, I am reminded to live with integrity, dignity, and humility.

Note all of these attributes here. How can you not appreciate what a jolly spirit he is? Ganesha reminds us NOT to become the elephant in the room, lol, and also to practice kindness, patience and honesty with the other elephants in the room…





And remember to Get Always New Energy Spirit & Happiness Always!
Happy Ganesha Chaturthi!